Monday, March 12, 2012

McGILVRA, BESSIE b. 1882, d. 1927, family from Sauk County, Wisconsin

This Cabinet Card is of Bessie McGILVRA, daughter of George Buell McGILVRA and Edith Jeanette TURNEY, born in 1882, died 20 July 1927.  Her brothers and sisters were Jeannette, Alice, Ralph, and Ethel.

To the best of my knowledge, this information is correct, per the 1900 Census from Greenfield Twp., Sauk County, Wisconsin, and the 1905 South Dakota State Census (see photo).

Photographer: MOULD, Baraboo, Sauk County, Wisconsin

KOELLER, Augusta b. 1847 - McPherson Bros. photographer, Rockford, IL (Illinois)

Cabinet Card of Mrs. Agusta (Augusta) KOELLER (written on back)  She was born in 1847, Germany, living in Rockford, Winnebago County, Illinois per the 1900 Census.  She was married to John Koeller in 1875 and their children were Bertha and Alto.  To the best of my knowledge from searching for her on, I found this Augusta M. Koeller in the 1900 Census.

PHOTOGRAPHER: McPherson Bros., 507-509 West State St., Rockford, Ills. (Illinois)

STAMPLEY family - Hugh, Lewis, Ida, Thaddeus, Woodyear

FRYE, MILFORD (or Charles Milford Frye, per 1910 census, Richland County, WISCONSIN

This cabinet card is of MILFORD FRYE (Charles Milford Frye), born about 1905 in Richland County, Wisconsin.  He looks to be about three in this photo.   His parents were Horatio and Leola Estella HICKS FRYE.  His brothers and sisters were Delbert, Beuford (not sure of the spelling on his name), and Lucinda.

To the best of my knowledge, this information is correct, per the 1910 and 1920 censuses.

PHOTOGRAPHER: W. J. HILLMAN, Richland Center, Richland County, Wisconsin

FRANCES & RICHARD FIELD, photo by Costello, Great Barrington, Massachusetts

2 photos Elroy, Wisconsin ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED WORKMEN (A.O.U.W.)

I do NOT know the names of these two men, but do know they were members of the Elroy, Juneau County, Wisconsin Ancient Order of United Workmen (A.O.U.W.).

The tall photo is by the photographer PAYNE, Elroy, Wis.  The regular size Cabinet card is by the photographer H. GOODRIDGE, Also Elroy, Wis.

Size: Tall cabinet card is 8 1/4" x 4" and the regular cabinet card is 6 1/2" x 4 1/4".
Elroy had six secret organizations: Elroy Lodge, No. 202, F. & A.M., organized June 13, 1876, with a membership of twenty-seven; Elroy Lodge, I.O.O.F., No. 233, organized May 15, 1874, with thirty members; Ancient Order of United Workmen, Elroy Lodge, No. 83, chartered April 8, 1880, with a membership of twenty; and Perseverance Lodge, No. 556, of the Legion of Honor, chartered April 30, 1881, with thirteen members.
Wonewoc Enterprise, April 12, 1882, p. 3
Wonewoc Lodge No. 64, A.O.U.W. - Meets on the second and fourth Wednesday's of each month, in their hall, over Case & Fisk's store.   T. K. Dunn M.W.  -  Isaac Kaufman, Recorder
Mauston Lodge No. 11, A.O.U.W. - Meets on the second and fourth Monday evenings in each month, in Good Templars' Hall. Brethren visiting the village are cordially invited to attend.  W. F. BOCKHOUSE,
M. W. B. M. CARTER, Recorder.

The Source for the above information is from: History of Northern Wisconsin. Publisher: Western Historical Co., Chicago 1881 p. 387
The Elroy Tribune dated 18 Feb 1886The lodge of A.O.U.W. of this city, which has been dormant so long was reorganized last Thursday evening, with the following officers.
P.M.W. - John Grimshaw
M.W. - T. Kingston
F. - J. W. Wightman - Elroy
O. - T. M. Dunlap
Rec. - E. Ericson
Fin. - G. J. Clark
R. - C. M. Beard
G. - John Wilcox
Rep. to G. L. - T. K. Dunn
OTHER MEMBERS of the A.O.U.W., from the towns of Elroy Mauston, Necedah, and Wonewoc, were:
Allen, J. W. - Necedah
Baldwin, J. C. - Mauston
Bockhouse, W. F. - Wonewoc
Carter, M. W. B. M. - Mauston
Cross, Eugene E.
Dunn, T. K.
Fisk, R. - Wonewoc
Grimshaw, Henry
Hopper, George H. - Elroy
Kaufman, Isaac - Wonewoc
Lee, O. F. - Elroy
McCutchen, J. C. - Wonewoc
Parker, B. F.
Rogers, E. S. - Elroy
Smith, J. E. - Wonewoc
Smith, William H.
Wightman, Elisha  

ROWLAND S. PERRY b. 1866 L. D. Simmons photographer, Natchez, Miss.